Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Didn't do too bad. I consider it a success if I don't have any sweets. I didn't have any sweets yesterday, including hot chocoalte and I didn't have seconds at dinner. I worked yesterday so it was a lot easier to control what I eat. It's so hard when i'm at home and it's so easy to just go grab something to eat. I also notice I don't eat a real meal. I kind of piece eat all day and probably end up eating more than if I just sat down and ate a whoel meal.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Didn't do too great today. I guess it could have been worse. I didn't really exercise but I spent most of the day shopping and cleaning. We did go out to lunch but I didn't order a huge meal like I usually do. I think portion control is going to be important for me. We did have hot chocolate when we got home but it is so hard to resist when it's so cold outside. I only did one cup though. I can do it if I limit myself to one cup a day. Other than that I didn't have any sweets:)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Still at it

I know i've not posted lately but I am still working on my goals. I've lost 8 pounds so far. It's not nearly as much as I wanted to by now. I know it's just going to get harder with the holidays coming. It's also going to be difficult to motivate myself to exercise because my favorite form of exercise is going on a walk with Bobby or with my iPod. Right now it's just too dang cold and there's a few inches of snow outside. That's just going to get worse too. I guess I need some motivation. I'm really down about things right now.
Don't tell Bobby I told you (he never reads my blog) but we are trying to get pregnant again. It was such a hard decision. I'm down right now because I was really hoping we could get pregnant by Christmas, but that's not going to happen, mother nature called yesterday:( We decided to wait to tell even my family this time until we have had a confirmation ultra sound from the doctor. Even if I do get pregnant before Christmas I won't be far enough along for an ultrasound.
Oh well, i'm excited to be off track. Maybe we can still go walking in the cold. We'll just have to bundle up and then i'll get all sweaty under my coat and my face will be freezing. Then we'll get home and Bobby will want to make hot chocolate and i'll drink more calories than I burned off because I could only stand to be out there for 10 minutes!
Bah! I'm making myself more frustrated the longer I think about it. I just need to find a way to re-motivate myself. I can be good until Thanksgiving. Maybe if I can do that then I can let myself have a free day. Now i'm trying not to think too much about the amazing chocolate pie and pecan pie my mom makes!
I'm also going to have to suck it up and either go to the gym or deal with the cold and go on my walk. Well, at least i'm off track for a few weeks. I always find much more time to work out when i'm off track. The problem is controlling the eating. I can do it though. I can make it until next Thursday. I'm just going to keep saying that until it becomes true. Only 10 more days to get through until then. Maybe i'll commit to post every day until then. I will confess what I ate each day and how much I worked out. If I can be good until Thanksgiving I will let myself eat guilt free until Thanksgiving.